To promote economic and technological development primarily in the natural stone sector, as well as social development in rural areas and in particularly disadvantaged communities.
The Foundation is an initiative by the Cupa Group, a global leader in the production of natural slate, which complements its work in corporate social responsibility, committing to improving the societies in which it carries out its business activities through training, labor integration, technological development and sustainability.
The Board of Trustees is the governing body, responsible for the administration, direction, management and representation of the Foundation. It comprises:
The Cupa Group Foundation is a social entity that operates throughout Spain, established before a notary on February 17, 2015, registered in the Register of Foundations of the Ministry of Education (Order ECD/493/2015) on March 2 of the same year. Its registered office is in the municipality of Carballeda de Valdeorras, in the province of Ourense (Spain).